Together We're Better

serve teams

At The Garden, enjoying life is a BIG deal! When you’re with the people you love, the task does not matter because there is nothing more fun than serving God, together. Together, We’re Better!

Made up of all of our teams who serve, G.Force offers countless opportunities to work side-by-side, get planted in The Garden, and grow in every area of life!  Everyone on G.Force is vital to the team, enabling this body of Christ-followers to accomplish the main thing: See the lost saved.

You're invited to join the team! Fill out a Serve Card and let us know you're interested in getting connected. Have a G.Force team or area of service in mind? Select it from the dropdown on the digital card or select "undecided" and we'll help figure a great for you! Have a question or want more info? Let us know and we'll be in touch!

YOU ARE a gift, designed by God to do things only YOU can do, and you're invited to bless others - and BE blessed - in and through The Garden!  


We use Planning Center Online (PCO) Services to keep track of who's serving where and when. Once on a G-Force team, you'll be able to download the Planning Center Online Services app (the green one) or visit the PCO Services site to confirm your schedule, get updates, and more!