Together We're Better

together, we're better!


The Garden believes that every person is called to live a life that demonstrates satan’s defeat on a daily basis. It is our personal mission to live a life that humiliates hell! We believe that, regardless of your past, God’s plans for you include an amazing future filled with hope.  We want to equip you with the knowledge and tools that will position you to live a life of incredible victory with, and for, God.
The Garden exists to find people who are far from God and walk with them until they’re close to God, equipping them to live a life with – and for – God!
Many people, just like you, are involved in helping the Garden effectively accomplish what the Lord has called us to do! If you’re not sure who could best help with a particular question, just e-mail or call the office at (509) 735-1650 and we’ll do our best to connect you with the right person.

What to expect

God placed each one of us on this earth with a specific plan and for a purpose. That purpose involves other. Call it a community, a family, a tribe…We weren’t created to live life alone. We’re meant to do life with others. When we get together as a church family, it should be a relevant, life-giving experiences you can carry outside of the building into your world! Our hope is that you leave the Garden encouraged, challenged, and empowered to live the life God has imagined for you!
God placed each one of us on this earth with a specific plan and for a purpose. That purpose involves other. Call it a community, a family, a tribe…We weren’t created to live life alone. We’re meant to do life with others. When we get together as a church family, it should be a relevant, life-giving experiences you can carry outside of the building into your world! Our hope is that you leave the Garden encouraged, challenged, and empowered to live the life God has imagined for you!
From the parking lot to free ice cream for the kids to cornhole on the patio, church life should be fun! When you join us for a service, you’ll be greeted by friendly people who are really glad you’re here. Help yourself to free coffee and a bottle of water and take a minute to meet people just like you. When you see the yellow flashing lights, that means service will be starting in 5 minutes. Join us in the sanctuary for praise and worship that invites the presence of God to touch lives and heal hearts, and a message from the Bible that we can use in real life…the God-Life that He has planned for each one of us!

As you get to know us, you’ll see that we really do enjoy life and we really do believe that together, we’re better!

What we believe

The Bible
The Bible is God’s word to all people. It was written by people under the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is inspired by God, it is true, it’s without error, and it’s relevant and applicable to our lives today.
(Psalms 119; 2 Tim. 3:16,17)

The Trinity
God exists throughout eternity as one entity in the form of three persons: the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit. Although each member of the trinity serves different functions, they each possess equal power and authority.
(Gen. 1:1 , Matt. 3:16,17; 28:19 , John 1:1-4)

The Father
God is our Heavenly Father. He is great, all-knowing, all-powerful, omni-present, unchanging, faithful, and above all - Holy. God is good. We depend on him for all that we have and all that we are. We can trust Him to be faithful to the promises He makes to His people.

The Son
Jesus Christ is entirely human, and entirely God. He was born of a virgin mother as the Son of God, whose purpose was to bring God’s people back into a relationship with Him. He lived a perfect, sinless life so that He could take our place in God’s request for perfect righteousness. His resurrection defeated death and gives us the opportunity to have new life.

The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit’s presence guides, convicts, comforts, equips, and assures us of our relationship with God. He leads us into all truth and makes us more like Jesus Christ.

Mankind was created to exist forever, either eternally separated from God in sin or forever united with God through forgiveness in Heaven. Heaven and Hell are places of eternal existence. To be eternally separated from God is hell. To be eternally in union with Him is Heaven.

God created mankind in His image and as the masterpiece of His creation. Mankind was intended to have an unbridled relationship with God but became separated from Him through sinful disobedience. As a result, mankind cannot attain a right relationship with God through his own effort, thus presenting the need for Jesus. Each person is uniquely created, called to a meaningful purpose, and perfectly loved and forgiven by God through Jesus.

The blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on the cross provides the only way of salvation through the forgiveness of sin. Salvation is available to anyone who places their faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as the sufficient payment for their sin. Salvation is a gift from God and cannot be earned by our own efforts.

The Church
The church is a local community of believers unified through faith in Christ. It is committed to teaching the commands of Jesus, equipping individuals with the necessary tools to obey God, and empowering them to share the Gospel with the world.

We believe the Bible clearly describes God’s design for marriage. God intends marriage to be a lasting and committed relationship between one man and one woman. This bond is also a reflection of the lasting, committed relationship between Jesus and His Church.

Sexuality is also a part of God’s design for humanity and is intended to be enjoyed only within the framework of biblical marriage, between one natural-born man and one natural-born woman. Sex outside of biblical marriage is sin. We believe gender is fixed based on biology and not fluid based on feelings.

The Bible clearly communicates its stance on controversial topics such as: race, gender, sexuality, worship, tithe and offerings, serving, speaking in tongues, baptism, healing, divine design, the second coming, etc. We do not claim to have all the answers, but we believe God has given us total truth for every single area of life through His Word.