What Is The Garden?
The Garden exists to reach people who are far from God and walk with them to a place where they’re walking with, and for, God. Regardless of where you are in life, we know that God has an amazing plan and purpose just for you and we’d love to be a part of it!
Many people, just like you, are involved in helping the Garden effectively accomplish what the Lord has called us to do! If you’re not sure who could best help with a particular question, just e-mail info@thegardentricities.com or call the office at (509) 735-1650 and we’ll do our best to connect you with the right person.
The Garden is non-denominational and is affiliated with the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers Inc. of Oregon, the organization Pastor Thom was ordained under for over 20 years. During the early days of the Garden, Pastor Thom became ordained under the leadership of Pastor Rick Sharkey and Spokane Christian Center. Pastor Sharkey continues to be our Pastor’s Pastor.